What are …..
My current feelings and reactions to my experience in this course:
At the moment I feel sort of isolated. I appear to be the only one posting anything. Is this a learning community? Who am I supposed to be connecting with? Perhaps I’m missing something? The readings and video’s are engaging me and I am thinking around these. Some of these issues are not new to me such as the notion that education is built on a production line mentality. I would like to respond to this but I don’t want to cloud the atmosphere.
What I am learning and what have been the most powerful learning experiences for me:
I have always had a deep respect for Bloom but I lingered on the old taxonomy. Recently I took a concerted look at the new taxonomy and was blown away. Why didn’t I do this earlier?
The knowledge dimension
The cognitive process dimension
Another thing I have learned is how the normal distribution curve applies applies to the human construct. This helps me understand why I need to differentiate my teaching and learning.
What I feel my students are learning:
I spoke to my students about metacognition today. We talked about why it’s important to articulate and think about their own thinking and learning. I did this because hopefully it will lead to self awareness and contribute to a sense of maturity and empathy. Being empathetic helps collaboration and leadership skills and makes for better learners. My desire is to keep this conversation going with students for the next couple of years.
A significant event for me and how I felt and reacted:
Last year we tried to establish a digital learning relationship with a Chinese school. It not only didn’t work but I felt we didn’t get off first base. It turned out to be a lot harder than I imagined even though the research we read up on predicted the exact same outcome. We are still getting overtures from similar schools but I am now very wary. It took a lot of time and effort for very little result.
Issues or questions: (include professional learning needs, problems, concerns, frustrations)
Frustrations … Hmm that’s a good one. I’ll save this when I get to know you all a bit better.