21st Century Pedagogy – Change Educational DNA
Yes, Let's change the DNA of teachers. I'm all for that, but where do we start? Surely we need to start at our teaching institutions as young teachers now will have grown up in a digital environment. They should have a good idea on how to embrace deep learning rather than propagate traditional ideas. Or are traditional ideas impressed upon them once they have secured a position in a school? It is my experience in mentoring preservice teachers is that they are driven by the same constraints of assessment as everyone else. They are more concerned about adopting "acceptable practice" than attempting the type of innovation we are promoting. Changing the DNA of teachers will be a challenging task indeed!
21st-Century PLNs for School Leaders
The conclusion of George Couros's article about 21st-Century PLNs for School Leaders is worth highlighting; Gaining the skills of using Twitter and blogging certainly opens ... "up your own learning to the world, you will be surprised not only how your knowledge elevates, but how your passion for teaching and learning will benefit as well." These skills makes us media savvy and able to better communicate our ideas and views. With a proliferation of digital environments it is important for teachers to become the authors and producers of media thereby participating on a more active level. At least that's a start.
Thanks for your reflection Phil (I always enjoy reading your thinking). Changing teacher DNA is essential if we are to move forward and I would posit one key thing: shifting teachers from being TEACHERS to also remodelling their perceptions of themselves as LEARNERS with a clarity of moral purpose and an understanding of pedagogical philosophy.... #justsaying